If you've taken a class with me or eaten something I made, you know experimentation is no stranger to my menu. At the same time, my approach to food is deeply personal and rooted in tradition.
Recently, I had the opportunity to create a plant-based recipe in collaboration with Chef Roy Choi using Field Roast's Plant-Based Spicy Mexican Chipotle Sausages. We made Zha Jiang Mian and layered in fermented condiments from my pantry. It might be the most fermented meal I have ever made, delivered in a single dish!
I am proud to share with you this remix of a family recipe. I have Mama Peggy to thank for showing me how to prepare the traditional version of this saucy and wholesome Chinese noodle dish, which she made so effortlessly and full of love throughout my childhood.
Follow this link to watch the full length video produced by Vice Media!